Firstly, i would highly recommend blog about online pedophilia. In this blog author shows how children  are unprotected and what kind of horrible impact can online space have on them. It is well written and provides with great examples and sources.


People never actually think what kind of effect may media have on their relationships. This blog explores this issue deeply and gives us clear view about it. Great examples and arguments. You should definitely visit it.



For those who are interested in fashion and media this blog is perfect. There you can find many interesting things you haven’t hear of before. It is informative and interesting.


The whole world is interested what is happening in Russia. So this blog will be helpful for anyone. The author gives us inside picture of censorship that is really happening in Russia. Many people do not know this facts so it will be interesting to explore this topic.


Finally, you should definitely visit Polina’s blog about stereotyped fashion. Here we can clearly see how fashion magazines are giving us the perfect images of women and how this affects young generation

How I See It

For Further Research


This website is very useful to understand effects of violence in media more deeply. The articles are written by psychiatrists who are experts in this issue. They explain how violence that we see all day by media affects our brains in details. It is very interesting to know this issue from professionals.


Another webpage is more focused on children and their development. Here we can find good explanations about how insecure children are to media and how media affects their health. There are also good articles about advertisements for children and about regulating interactive advertising for children.


There are many articles on this webpage that can be very useful to understand effects of violent media and also effects of violent video games for children. It explains what consequences can video games have on children, also points out how can it change their future. There also are several parenting advices which can be helpful.

How i see it





Nowadays people are surrounded by violence. They see it in schools, homes and streets but mostly, people deal with violence in media.  News, TV shows, reality shows, movies and even cartoons are full of violence. It has become such a normal thing that most people cannot even notice that there is something very wrong going around them. The worst part is that violence in media is growing trend and it seems that there is no way to stop it. Media is showing us things we want to see. If people didn’t like watching violence there wouldn’t have been so much violent content in media. Media gives people what they want to see so the problem is in their minds. Many people do not realize the harm they are getting from this and it is essential for them to understand.

Several studies show that violent content in media cause mental health problems including aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares and other horrible effects. Children start to imitate the things they see in shows and time after time it becomes normal thing for them. The shocking accident happened in 2012 in Colorado when a man killed 12 and wounded 60 people in cinema theatre and turned “Batman” screening into a real life suspense film. During the court he showed up in red colored hair and said that he was a “joker” the Batman movie character.  School shootings are happening more and more and many people do not realize what causes it. Some of the children who did such horrible things turned out that are addictive video game players. The most vulnerable to violent media are children because they cannot understand what is real and what fantasy is. According to researches children tend to have long –term effects and this may effect whole their lives.

Many people argue that governments should do something or parents should do something. But nowadays when everyone has internet access it is impossible to hide things from children. Even if government ban showing violent movies during a day time children will be able to see them in internet. Even for parents it is very hard to control what their children are watching all the time and what they are watching when they are living the home.

The real problem is that people do not understand the effect they get from violent media. They think that it won’t affect them or their children. So the best way to make any kind of changes is to create the public awareness about this issue. Governments should start campaign to create public awareness. People who know this issue should tell their friends about it. And when most of people will realize it that will be time when changes will happen. As I have mentioned before media shows us what we want to see and if most of the people will realize that this kind of media content will harm them and their children there will be no demand for violence in media.



AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics (n.d.). Media Violence. Retrieved May 11, 2014, fromhttp://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/124/5/1495.full

To see the webpage click here

Brad J. Bushman, PhD; L. Rowell Huesmann, PhD. U-M Personal World Wide Web Server. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2014.

To see the article click here 

What experts say II


Effects from violent media are different to different age groups and even genders. Some people have short-term effects and some have long-term effects.  Before conducting a research scientist supposed that adults would have short-term effects and children long-term effects. They conducted a study using meta-analysis approach.

The results showed that media violence was positively related to subsequent aggressive behavior, aggressive ideas, arousal and anger. As they expected children tend to have long-term effects and adults short-term effects. The reason is that adults have much more experience and it’s very hard to change their beliefs and moral and in case of children it’s very easy.

According to research parents need to be more careful because their children need the most protection from exposures from media. Another thing parents should be concerned is beliefs and attitudes their children are mimicking from the violent media. That’s why it is so important for parents to control what their children are watching because it may change their lives.


Brad J. Bushman, PhD; L. Rowell Huesmann, PhD. U-M Personal World Wide Web Server. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2014.
To see the article click here 


What experts say I


Nowadays more and more people start to ask themselves about the impact that violent media content cause. There are more and more incidents when children kill their classmates or do other violent behavior.  Medical community started to explore this issue in 1950s and now answer for them is clear- media violence is the reason why we see so much violence in the world today.

According to many researches carried by the new center on Media child heath at Harvard violent content in media causes mental health problems including aggressive behavior, bullying, desensitization to violence, fear, depression and nightmares.

When children spend many hours watching violent media or playing violent video games they start to imitate and adopt the behavior. Media violence effects on emotions, behaviors and beliefs.  The most vulnerable are children under 8 who cannot discriminate between fantasy and reality.

Moreover, the violent media causes the “mean-world” syndrome.  People start to perceive the world as a dangerous place. They fear of becoming victims and start to behave more aggressively.


AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics (n.d.). Media Violence. Retrieved May 11, 2014, from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/124/5/1495.full

To see the webpage click here

Current Events II

 Torture of prisoners in Georgia


In September of 2012 Georgia had a huge crisis in the government. The reason of this were the footages from prisons. Footages showed in details how prisoners were tortured during many years. It wasn’t just one or two incidents. There were tens of videos which showed that torture was happening since new government came in power.


Unfortunately, Georgian people had to deal not only to this horrible fact in prisons. All TV channels made a horrible ethical mistake. They showed these tens of footages to people. Even though, in some videos they hide the faces of prisoners people could still hear their voice and even in some videos faces were shown too. Another horrible mistake that media did was showing these footages at 20:00 in the evening. Maybe this is not a day time but still many children are watching television at 20:00.


Videos contained the material that even was hard to watch for adults. Thousands of people had a real shock. I remember that at that time all I could think about was the scenes of abuse and torture and it didn’t let me sleep. After these scenes students started huge protests and it was the end of the government and the end for the president Mikhail Saakashvili.


Most people who had shock didn’t realize another huge problem they were facing in Georgia. The media showed zero responsibility of their actions by airing these scenes during the daytime. They couldn’t understand what would have happened to the families who would have recognized the voices of their children. They showed no respect. It seems that some of the producers were worried about their ratings. This is the problem that causes terrible effects to people’s mental stability. Unfortunately, only few people spoke up about this issue.


Media must be channel that shows us the truth about the real world but everything has its limits. This was the irresponsible action of media which clearly shows us how media violence can harm people and how can it harm families. Most of these prisoners are released now and the whole country has seen the details of their abuse. Their mental situation cannot be restored it is a harm that cannot be forgiven.


This is a first video about torture of prisoners which occurred in Georgian televisions

Current events I

photo by telegraph.com.uk

Colorado shooting The entire world was shocked on July 20, 2012 when a mass shooting happened in Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Shooting happened during the screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises.  James Holmes who was dressed in tactical clothes shot into the audience multiple times and killed 12 and injured 70. The most horrible fact about this incident is that Holmes told detectives that he identified himself as “the joker”- the character of the movie The Dark Knight Rises.  Another interesting thing about him is that he took the same drug as Heath Ledger when he died from overdose. Heath Ledger was playing “the joker”  in this film before. The striking thing about this incident is that murderer thought that he was a film character and got the idea of killing people from the movie. The Dark Knight rises isn’t only movie that contains many violent scenes and villains, but still it had such a big impact on a person that ended with massive killing of people. Holmes secured his bachelor degree in neuroscience and his students said that he was weird. Even if he had some mental problems before, the fact that imagined that he was a film character and killed so many people is horrible. Many people think that violence in media won’t just make them serial killers but they do not think about millions of people who have more weak mental stability and they do not think that for these people violent content do make a big difference. Unfortunately, there are millions of families and millions of children who don’t have healthy environment at home and for them even movies like The Dark Knight can make a big difference. James Holmes dyed his hair in red during his court. It seemed that he didn’t even understand the things he did. He thought that it was not serious like in movies.   Allen, Nick. “Batman Colorado shooting: James Holmes fixated by altered states of mind – Telegraph.” Telegraph.co.uk. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2014.


Allen, Nick. “Batman Colorado shooting: James Holmes fixated by altered states of mind – Telegraph.” Telegraph.co.uk. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2014.

click here to see the article